Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Writing in your sleep

Does anyone else dream in novels? After I'm done fretting about everything else in my day I set about going to sleep by imagining a plot for a book. But I always forget most of it when I wake up. I just dont wake up enough to keep one of those bedside notepads. And sometimes as Im writing in my sleep, I think sort of that was great... they might even publish this....if only I could remember it when I wake!
I know my heroine's name last night was Bryn Allison. And the chapter starts like this....
Bryn Allsion was average. Average brown hair. Average funny. Average job. Until she stepped out the door of the coffee house on her way to work and got hit by a plane. Not your average bus. An airplane. Now that wasnt average.
Ok. So plot one the pilot has actually made this skilled and careful emergency landing avoiding everyone but Bryn. Of course he's handsome and etc etc...romance et al.
Or as she awakens on an alien planet. Turns out humans who die arent in heaven they get transported....sci fi plot.
I didnt say they were good novels! Sheez! Sometimes they are fantastic. But those usually involve murder and blood and get way to complicated and I wake myself up all scared and have to think of milkshakes or something to get back to sleep.
I keep going back to the premise you are supposed to write about what you know. Which is a whole lot a nuttin. Medical novels are passe'. Killing off your patients isnt very good PR either. And working out your family issues in public never appealed to me. So, romance/sci-fi it is.
I kind of like the heaven plot. Most of us stop at the you get to go to heaven part. What then? Hang out on clouds? Ho Hum. I suppose you could spend a good while meeting the ancesters. That would be fun for awhile. Unless they were cranky.Or none of your people made it "up there". What would you do with unlimited energy and time.Everones fine so you cant go be heroic. Heaven seems kind of hedonistic from that view. Hmmm. Too literal I guess.
Well, off to bed to dream up a new plot.