Sunday, January 23, 2011


I learned a good lesson about what silence means the other day. Raised an only child , I wasn't around noisy people growing up. My fellow graandchildren lived far away so few episodes of running, frolicking cousinry are in my memory. I love my neices and nephews and grand nephews and neices to pieces....but they are noisy. And in big colorful bunches the decible volume goes over my staid,sensitive limit.
The other day our kitten became lost for 20 hours. Instantly, despite the pack of two other adult cats and two other adult dogs...the house was too quiet. We slept with one eye open , and an ear tuned for a little mew. Nuttin. QUIET. No balls rolling down the halls wooden flooring at midnight. No earrings swishing off the nightstand at two a.m.. No loud sucky noises on the fuzzy blanket, near your ear at three a.m.. I can hear my friend Susan saying " And that's why I don't let the damn cats in "!! And I smile. But, the other night it was too quiet. I didn't know it could be too quiet.
And then baby kitty was found and rescued and brought home. And I was busily shouting"No! Kitty no-no" again. And my husband looked at me and said, " That's what it was, you werent yelling at the cat all the time!"