Thursday, January 7, 2010

The first week

The first week of 2010 has flown by. I finished Kellyn's baby quilt, only 3 months late. Im cleaning out the office. I spent a few hours remembering the past while going through old scrapbooks and collections.Im trying to eat right. I just finished a great although somewhat grim book by Tim Gatreaux entitled The Clearing.Very good writing.We celebrated a birthday for Irvs 70th, a ping-pong party, a goodbye party and watched so many football games my eyes are crossed. The exercise thing is NOT going so well.
The garage constuction is proceeding despite the freezing weather. Rod and I are very excited about that. It was looking like a mud bath outside for a bit.
We are trying hard this year to bring the positive to the forefront, and leave the negative behind.