Friday, June 19, 2009


Water of life and all that. Nice for the garden but this unusual amount of rain for our area is making me feel like building an arc!!! Haven't been able to mow so I'm now growing giant weeds and grasses. Haven't been able to treat the morning glory in the lawn. The radishes are huge. I finally pulled most of them because I don't even eat the darn things but I always think I have a green thumb when they come up so quickly and grow well!!! The Onions seem to be enjoying themselves. Carrots are finally coming on. I lost one of the pumpkins but wait, where I left an old pumpkin to rot in the flowerbed last fall and planted daisies this spring...Lo! Pumpkins are growing!
I haven't been able to eat enough spinach and lettuce to keep the garden from bolting those greens. It sure is tasty. Not enough warm weather for the watermelon experiment. They look pathetic with one tiny leaf. The zuchini is starting to swell. Basil is good. Must make more sauce!
The tomatoes are waiting for some warmth also. Cauliflower is really beginning to grow but I havent seen any globe like structures yet. Looks like we may have a ton of rasberries this year. I'm looking forward to jam time!!! The front yard landscaping is going slowly. I have a spot that needs "Art". Haven't found the right object so far. Paulette suggested an old ladder and trellis up a rose. Hmmm, maybe. Well, that's the state of things for now. Off to the Hot Springs next week. Looking forward to a good soak.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I think it is time for some more pictures of the Baker Estate. And furthermore, I need to know how to make sauce, because we grew basil, and I have no idea what to do with it!