Thursday, July 17, 2008

In the Beginning

I have officially joined the modern age, the techie world, the universe of global communication! My very own blog. Whoa. Or is it wow?
How free is it to share your private thoughts and ideas or just daily blatherings? And feel like it's anonymous?Will a grammer fanatic decry my humble efforts?Or will my words become dry as dust and eventually blow into obscurity?
Who cares, I long as I like it. I, who has never written to Dear Abby . I, who have always meant to write those pesky politicians or the City Council Codgers but could never quite gather my thoughts together. I can have my say about art,poetry, politics, fabrics, relatives....and stuff!
Maybe, just perhaps I'll write something wonderful tomorrow!

1 comment:

Sean Gates said...

You're now officially on my radar. I will follow every word, every period, every thought, and maybe every picture. :D

Love you guys!